Posts Tagged ‘rap’
We've always known astrophysicists define the functional parameters for our universe.
They're also the very definition of hotness, as is evidenced by any peer reviewed movie. (Top Gun, Thor, The Day The Earth Stood Still).
Who doesn't aspire to be a 'man/woman of science'? Most prefer high speed vehicles, substance abuse and loud hip hop. Just don't orbit too close, they're a collapsing singularity of thrill-seeking danger.
Nathalie Portman Rap
All imagery used for purpose of review/critique. Deal.
[Technically, Dr. Hawking is a theoretical physicist. But his work has so many direct applications to cosmology (and he's such a badass) we had to include him.]
How can you NOT?
This little exchange between Patrick Alexander (ChickenNation) and Rebecca Clements (Kinokofry) exemplifies quite clearly the immediacy of sharing silliness via the web.
(Click for larger version.)
Go, go and look already, they have FREE treats and goodies for YOU. Patrick is giving his comics away, and for a teensy donation you can get a nifty Kinokofry adventure. Would you look a gift Pug in the mouth? I don't THINK so.
Postscript: I made the mistake of asking where the Pug dog icon came from. I am still mopping my brains off the floor. Israeli Rap Wizard of Oz!