A 'QuickDraw' courtesy Ballarat's finest: Anthony Woodward, who you can see at http://AWcomix.blogspot.com.
(Oh, and here's the bat. I must do a strip on 'rat pancakes' if we are going to go for gross-out comics.)
A 'QuickDraw' courtesy Ballarat's finest: Anthony Woodward, who you can see at http://AWcomix.blogspot.com.
(Oh, and here's the bat. I must do a strip on 'rat pancakes' if we are going to go for gross-out comics.)
Started year 2000, finished 2011. Thanks to Athonk and Laine for hosting me!
Another strip from 2000, dusted off!
More adventures from 2003 (some broken links) http://qdcomic.com/indonesia/